Send us your Firsty stories!

We invite all script writers, story writers & comedy writers alike to join us and contribute to

Please note that submission is not a guarantee that your story will be made into cartoon episodes, however keep it funny! and we probably will… 😛

NOTE: Please limit stories to 3000 words.

Don’t forget to let us know how to get back to you, in case if we decide to use your stories.

Type Below or Upload Above

Please type your Firsty story & script in the box below or upload you text document using the choose file button above.


Languages Manuscripts should be submitted in English.

Content: Your stories / scripts main focus should be to make the audience laugh.

Authorship On the Submission form please ensure authors full name and email address are correct, so you can be contacted if selected. The author must have full ownership of any story submitted, and the author will be credited for their work.

Unsolicited manuscripts We welcome unsolicited submissions.

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